My Paddy Field Photo in An International Magazine
A few months back, I was approached by a photo editor of a magazine for a Vacation Exchange Network based in Miami, Florida. They were looking for hi-res photos of areas in Kedah and they saw some of my photos that I’ve published on my blog.
I was delighted to be able to provide my photos to be used in a magazine. One of my photos got selected and it was kind of nice to receive both $$$ and recognition for the photo.
I have just received the hardcopy of the magazine from the company and I am pleased with the end result 🙂
The cover of the magazine. No this is not my photo!
This is it. My paddy field photo taken in Kedah made it through.
Zoom in….
The thank you note from the Photo Editor.
In the end, it is me that is supposed to say Thank You very much 🙂 . This would go into my personal file and hopefully more of this kind of opportunities arises in the future.
congratulations! an achievement indeed 🙂
bestnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. aku siap heboh kat member dpean aku ni. bangga aku ade kwn mcm ko hehehe
One name came to mind. “Brian Shipman”
peh dasat bro… keep it up. Gua dah masukkan blog lu dalam bloglist gua as a show of friendship. Moga di lain kali kita ber-travel again dan boleh mengutuk mamat nerds lagi sekali hahaha…