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About Me



A freelance blogger, an aviation enthusiast, a traveler, a guy-with-a-camera and a loyal Harimau Malaya football fan.

This is what I’ve been doing since year 2006 and I still enjoy doing it today. AzuanZahdi.com is my digital playground where I share my personal thoughts on aviation, travel & anything that interests me.

When I’m not tweeting, blogging, flying or taking photos, I’m your ordinary 9-6 corporate slave with an actual job (the one that pays the bills) as a “Transformer” doing strategic planning and managing various transformation initiatives.

  • I’m a proud citizen of Malaysia, tanah tumpah-nya darahku.
  • Flying is a must from time to time. I buy random flight tickets just for the sake of flying.
  • I’ve visited more than 20 countries. Love Malaysia and Asia the most.
  • To this day, I can’t still tie my own neck tie on the first try.
  • I snap photos using the live-view mode of my Sony DSLr as if it’s a compact cam.
  • Hope to start my own start-up soon.
  • AzuanZahdi.com earns less than RM50 a year from advertising.
  • From time to time, I do get invited to be a guest speaker to talk on blogging, travel, youth. I love this kind of opportunities. So please do engage me :)

If you are interested in working together, send me an inquiry and I will get back to you as soon as I can! E-mail: azuan_az “AT” hotmail.com

  1. hi azuan.
    even though i noe u ( as the creator of first nicol website), i nvr had litterally contacted u. so it was nice to read bout u. hope v can collabrate in future assignments or projects.

  2. hi azuan. for past 8 years i noe u ( as the creator of first nicol website), i nvr had litterally contacted u. so it was nice to read bout u. hope v can collabrate in future assignments or projects.

  3. Came across your site while surfing the MAS, AirAsia, Fireflyz sites. I am green with envy reading your experience. Hope I can travel like u too one day, hopefully as early as next year.

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